Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Congratulations, Mrs. Tuttle, Mrs. Skaleski, and Mrs. Socaciu!

On behalf of the Gary D. Wright Elementary School learning community, I would like to congratulate Mrs. Tuttle (Third Grade Teacher) and Mrs. Skaleski (School Nurse) on their recent recognition as GDW's nominees for the D300 Foundation For Educational Excellence Distinguished Educator and School Employee of the Year Awards.  In addition, congratulations to Mrs. Socaciu (GDW and DHES STEM Teacher) on being recognized as Dundee Highlands Elementary School's nominee for the D300 Foundation For Educational Excellence Distinguished Educator of the Year Award.  Mrs. Tuttle, Mrs. Skaleski, and Mrs. Socaciu will be honored at the upcoming Foundation Awards Banquet.  We are so proud of these outstanding women and their dedication to our GDW school community!