Wednesday, January 24, 2018

GDW Kicks Off The Lemonade War

Today, I dressed as a lemon and greeted students and staff as they entered the gym for an all-school assembly.  Students had so many questions as they saw my attire, curious as to why I was dressed this way.  I was so proud to see their sense of wonder...a trait that good readers exhibit before, during, and after reading.  At the assembly, Gary D. Wright Elementary School kicked off our One School, One Book school-wide book club by introducing the book The Lemonade War.  Staff presented a fun and memorable skit that left our audience with a desire to read the book to find out more.  We hope our Wildcats came home talking all about the assembly and the new book they received thanks to the generous funding and support from our PTO.  We also hope you will cherish the time you spend as a family reading aloud The Lemonade War. We have included a video of the skit here so that students can relive these fun and exciting school memories at home with you.  We look forward to reading this book together as we build a community of readers with shared experiences connected to a beloved text.